菲律宾投资移民SIRV 怎么样申请最方便?

 菲律宾,永久移居身份,别名(绿卡)保留原国藉,终生绿卡,可全家办理!菲律宾移民分为菲律宾退休移民(SRRV)和菲律宾投资移民(SIRV),始于1985年,分别由菲律宾退休移民署和投资移民署管理,为了吸引外国人来菲律宾投资、旅游、养⽼度假。 建议 以购买投资菲律宾国家电力购买股票方式、年终分红收益。


























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5.境外投资款 汇入投资署凭证




注:以上公证、菲律宾体检报告 费用另计算。

In fact, each long-term immigrant and non immigrant visa has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no difference between "good and bad". The most important thing for migration is to be suitable for yourself. The core of the so-called "embellishment" is to choose your most suitable route. Of course, this article does not discuss any "illegal" residence methods. Today, when "embellishment" is in vogue, a cost-effective relocation plan must be more beneficial to people who are not particularly rich in funds than foolishly occupying investment funds with a large amount of money. Especially small partners who are interested in working and starting businesses in Southeast Asia. Of course, we will also make an inventory of the pitfalls that these visas may encounter in the current market.


Marriage, partner 13A visa

The official name of the marriage partner visa is 13A VISA, which is certainly the easiest long-term residence program in the Philippines. But don't underestimate real marriage or even "fake marriage". Because Philippine law can't divorce. Once the marriage is certified by the church or the mayor, two personal properties and children are bound together. If the spouse and family background are not well investigated, it may be difficult to support a family.

If you have found true love in the Philippines, a spouse visa for marriage is indeed the cheapest way. But if you just want to get a visa, you can choose other ways. Suppose that two people live apart after getting their identity. In case you become a big boss in the future, if you happen to meet a "married" person who can afford to hire a lawyer, then I'm sorry. The first path of remarriage is locked, and the second path may be entangled with issues of upbringing and property, which is really not a particularly good plan. To remarry in other countries, be careful to commit bigamy. Of course, if I think about it, I know that if I really want to get married and move to the Philippines, I won't choose the Philippines. Isn't it good to go to G7? This is to remind you not to be fooled by some unscrupulous intermediaries. There is no "pie" in the sky.


APECO's ASRV immigrant green card (amnesty)

First of all, Aurora Special Economic Zone, the full name of Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Free Port Authority, or APECO for short. APECO Special Economic Zone is a special project established in accordance with Article 9490 (RA 9490) and Article 10083 (RA 10083) of the Republic of the Philippines Act to promote local economic development. So this is a bill project, protected by law.

This project started in 2016 and was only open to Japanese businessmen in that year. But since 2019, Chinese nationality can also be applied for.

At present, the types of visas recognized by Aurora Special Economic Zone in the Immigration Bureau (BI) and the Labor Office (DOLE) are as follows: 1. APECO Special Resident Visa (asrv); APECO Special Investor's Resident Visa (ASIV); APECO Working Visa (AWV); APECO Dependent's Visa (ADV); APECO Special Work Permit (APECO-SWP); APECO Special Work Permit (APECO pwp); APECO Temporary Work Permit 7. APECO Alien Identity Card (AAIC). Among the APECO foreign identity cards that are more suitable for Chinese applicants are ASRV, ASIV and AVD.

ASRV application conditions:

The deposit of 35000 USD to the account designated by the SAR government cannot be returned to the ASIV Application Conditions: Deposit 150000 USD to the account designated by the SAR government, and one year after obtaining the identity, the investment fund can be withdrawn for investment purposes in the Philippines. (e.g. real estate, stock, shareholding company, etc.) Application conditions for ADV: parents, spouses of the principal applicant with ASRV or ASIV or unmarried children under the age of 21

ASRV&ASIV Advantages:

1. You can apply at the age of 18 or above

2. Identity holders can study, work and set up companies in the Philippines

3. Identity holders can bring their parents, spouses and children (under the age of 21) with unlimited number

4. The handling cycle is as short as 10 working days

5. No time limit for visa

6. No need to cancel Chinese nationality

7. Affiliated membership of APEC Resort (free use of resort facilities)

8. Free access to the Philippines, even if the Philippines is now restricted

9. The application materials are simple, just the original passport and the Philippine No Criminal Record Certificate (NBI Clearance)

10. The most important applicants can also submit their applications when they are not in the Philippines.

Summary: There is a saying that the most popular amnesty now has many benefits. But unlike other types of permanent residence visas, "deposits" can be refunded. The ASRV green card is a "donation" model, which must be clarified. Another problem is that although there is no "immigration supervision", it is necessary to report to the Immigration Bureau every year. However, compared with other types of visas, ASRV is renewed once every five years, and the renewal fee is generally 10000 Philippine pesos (1200 yuan, 200 USD). I am more conscientious, so there is a reason for the recent popularity of this visa. Then some partners asked, why don't I choose the ASIV to invest in instead of donating money? Quite simply, there is a sirv with a cheaper investment amount.


Philippines Special Investment Visa - SIRV

The full name of SIRV is Special Investor's Resident Visa, which is literally translated as: special investment residence visa. The counterpart of this visa is the Philippine Investment Agency, which belongs to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Philippines, and has the exclusive authority to manage the special investment resident visa (green card) issued by the Philippine Immigration Administration. The visa holder can enjoy the treatment of permanent residence, personal tax exemption and multiple entry and exit of the country. This means that once the visa is held, it is equivalent to permanent emigration to the Philippines. Apart from the right to vote, there are all other things. The individual level is also tax-free. Similarly, when you withdraw your investment, your green card will lose its effectiveness.

The applicant is over 21 years old, has a deposit of 75000 USD in a designated bank (DBP Philippine Investment Agency's designated account in the Philippine Development Bank), and can bring the spouse and children of a family of three to enjoy the same green card treatment. At present, the children of overseas Chinese students are eligible for the joint examination. However, SIRV is very strict about no criminal record. If you have stayed in the Philippines for more than one month, you must provide documents without criminal records in any previous country of residence.

Summary: At present, the advantages of this green card are obvious: permanent residence and tax exemption. What are the disadvantages? Many immigration agencies always emphasize the advantages of a certain project, and ask about its disadvantages in silence. In fact, apart from preparing files, SIRV has two major disadvantages.

1. Mainland applicants will encounter the problem of foreign exchange limit. Because the Philippine Investment and Immigration Administration has a hard rule that 75000 USD must be remitted from an overseas bank (30 working days in advance), the problem is that the normal annual foreign exchange quota for mainland residents is 50000 USD, which means that you must have an overseas account. This problem is not difficult to solve, but it is in conflict with the current policy, so you must pay attention to it.

2. The risk of investment green card is of course the investment itself. Although the project investment can invest in new manufacturing or service companies, buy shares in listed companies or purchase shares of listed companies in stock exchanges. However, it is the so-called risk investment that needs to be cautious when entering the market. It is true that the Philippines is at the starting point of the stock and real estate Changhong, but who can guarantee that personal investment will not lose money? Moreover, if the green card is taken out, it will become invalid.

Therefore, this green card is suitable for small partners with sufficient funds and certain investment experience. If you just need a long-term legal identity to accompany you or "lie flat", the cost performance is not very high. Speaking of SIRV, we have to mention yesterday's yellow flower - SRRV.


Philippines Retired Immigrant Visa - SRRV

The official name of SRRV is The Special Resident Retiree's Visa, which is the most cost-effective green card in the world. Many people also simply call it the pension immigrant visa. SRRV visa has always been one of the most cost-effective long-term visa and green card programs in the Philippines. The threshold of SRRV visa is very low. Unlike many European and American countries, the applicant's education, language, assets, etc. need to be strictly reviewed. In the Philippines, there is basically no need for tedious review, just save money to get the identity. However, it is a pity that the new policy can only be handled when it is raised from 35 to 50 years old. If the relevant policy is not lowered, it is difficult for this scheme to be suitable for friends who are still young and have living and investment needs in the Philippines. After all, who can wait until 50?

How much do you want to save? Many intermediaries say that "buying a house gives you a green card" Do you have to buy a house?

This is a big hole in many SRRV publicity. It is not only to buy a house that SRRV can be handled. In fact, the minimum deposit to the Philippine Retirement Agency is 20.000 USD. Of course, if you buy a house, you are actually "investing your savings". But theoretically, if you only save money, you can get the green card, and renting a house for retirement is also a good choice.

SRRV policy: Applicants aged 50 and above will deposit 20000 time deposits with the Philippine Development Bank. Through this plan, after obtaining Philippine residency status, you can take out investment properties, etc.

Both methods can be applied together with family members. If the applicant only brings his spouse and an unmarried child under the age of 21; Or without spouse, with two unmarried children under the age of 21, there is no need to increase savings. On this basis, every additional unmarried child under the age of 21 needs to increase 15000 USD/person. There will be some fund occupation. The visa can be refunded in full upon cancellation.

In addition, SRRV can enjoy tariff reduction or exemption of up to 7000 USD from Philippine customs for single import goods. And this retirement visa can obtain work and study permits.

Summary: SRRV is cheap and flexible, and it is timely to cancel refunds. However, the first disadvantage is that the age limit of 50 is basically to keep young people out. Of course, a crime free certificate must be necessary. The second is renewal. Although it is possible to entrust an intermediary to renew the contract in another place, the annual fee for annual renewal is 360 USD, which is basically a fixed expenditure. Recently, however, there is a rumor that the age will be lowered to 40 and the deposit threshold will be raised. If there is any change in the SRRV policy, the minor editor will communicate with you.


The Best Transition Option - 9G Work Visa

The full name of the work visa is 9G VISA. If you just want to stay in the Philippines temporarily, such as children going to high school and studying at the Philippine International School as a springboard for studying in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand, the affiliated work visa is undoubtedly the best choice. The work visa can enter and leave the Philippines for many times, and is also the legal status of a foreigner within the country. You can apply for a long-term visa for up to three years.

Now many friends come to the Philippines to settle and invest, perhaps not as a long-term plan, but more as a springboard. In particular, they may like the excellent English education and spoken English environment in the Philippines. Then it may be a better choice for friends as a springboard to choose the attached work visa.

9G employee visa card+labor card, only one of which is definitely a liar

Summary: Everything is not all advantages. Work visas also have pitfalls. Please don't step on them. Before applying for a 9G work visa in the Philippines, you need to submit a labor card. However, many intermediaries in the market will issue "fake" labor cards, and you can still apply for a real 9G work visa. There is nothing to be investigated, but if it is found, it will be directly blackmailed by the immigration office. Therefore, if you apply for a work visa, you must ask whether your affiliated company has issued a true and reliable labor card. Don't be fooled by it. It's good not to be caught. It's not worth the loss to catch blacklisting.


Philippine Amnesty Immigration Visa (Sec13 and Quota)

The full name of this visa is Quota Visa/Amnesty Visa/sec13. In the past, it was mainly spread between Fujian people and Guangdong immigrants. As the name implies, the quota is limited every year, so you should consider carefully and fully understand whether the agency has channels to help you apply for the quota every year.

Application conditions:

1. A citizen of a diplomatic country of the Philippines, who has no criminal record and has reached the age of 18.

2. There is a deposit certificate of more than 50000 dollars in the Philippine bank.

3. Applicants can bring their spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21.

Benefits of the green card:

1. After obtaining identity for 10 years, you can formally apply for naturalization. Filipino passport is a legal identity. The place of birth of the issued passport is China, and you can normally use entry and exit. In addition, the Philippines allows you to hold dual passports, which can achieve dual citizenship status.

2. You can work in the Philippines without additional application for work permit.

3. You can apply for immigration from other countries as a third country green card.

4. They can go to school in the Philippines. The policies and fees are the same as those of local students. They can also return to China as overseas Chinese students to participate in the college entrance examination.

5. Only the Philippine local crime free certificate is required, not the Chinese crime free certificate.

6. Children may inherit this status.

Summary: Amnesty immigrant visa has many advantages, but there is one key point. It only has 50 quotas a year. In addition, government agencies need to occupy some quotas in various names every year, so the number of quotas actually flowing out is too small. So we can imagine the difficulties of this project. There are more wolves than meat. Many intermediaries, under the name of "amnesty", can't get the quota at all. In addition, as more and more people know the way of the green card, the cost of handling the green card basically rises every year. Therefore, it is only suitable for the old railway with certain economic strength, or those who have "some problems" and "just need" in the past.

All the above visas can be applied for Philiphealth (Philippine Health Insurance) health insurance card, which is much more than the basic medical insurance compensation in the country. The annual fee is about 17500 pesos (about 2200CNY, 330 USD) a year. You can become a lifelong member after 10 consecutive years of payment, without having to pay the annual fee. I believe that the health problems of friends who emigrate to the Philippines must also be of great concern. We will have the opportunity to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these insurance systems in the Philippines in the future.

Of course, this article only summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of various types of Philippine permanent residence and green card visas. You can consider according to your own needs. It is only for reference, not for investment or life advice.

This visa entitles the holder and his dependents (qualified dependents: spouse and unmarried children under the age of twenty-one (21) ), indefinite residence ...
This visa permits multiple entry privileges, so long as the investments subsist in the country. The SIRV program requires investors to remit at least US$75,000 ...
转换永久居留卡 SIRV ID Card: 2000比索/人
SIRV处理费 Processing Fee: 300美元/人
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