



结婚证是当地市政厅签发的证件,这份证件的信息并没有上传到菲律宾国家统计局,所以在菲律宾别的政府部门,或者是菲律宾国家统计官网是查不到你们结婚的信息的。所以和菲律宾人结婚的每一对人都需要把你们结婚的信息上传到国家的统计局才能做到信息全国可查。业务请咨询 微信BGC998 电报WOW888

和菲律宾人结婚,外国女婿就能申请菲律宾13A永居签证,这是菲律宾对外国女婿的福利政策。在办理13A永居签证的时候需要出示统计局PSA结婚证认证的。仅仅是出示市政厅的结婚证是不行的。如果你正想办理菲律宾13A永居签证呢就赶紧去给你的结婚证办理PSA认证吧!业务请咨询 微信BGC998 电报WOW888


We process:

Air tickets, hotels, travel /Government File processing

1. 9G Working Visa(1-3Years)

2. 13A / MCL21 TRV Spousal Visa- married to a Filipino citizen

4. Tourist Visa Extension  

5. Alien Employment Permit (AEP) / Special Working Permit (SWP)

6. Inclusion of dependent Spouse and unmarried child

7. Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC)

8. Cancellation /Apply of Alien Employment Permit replacement (loss AEP)

9. Cancellation of CEZA Working Visa (CWV)

10. Cancellation of 9G Working Visa (9G)

11.Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV)  SIRV ASRV 

12. Quota Visa SEC13

13. Overstay MR

14. Lifting of Blacklist(BL) and Hold Departure Order (HDO)

15. Order To Leave (OTL)

other Immigration related concern:

Alien Registration

Annual Report (A.R)

ACR I-CARD Issuance

Voluntary Application for ACR I-CARD

Renewal ACR I-CARD

Re-Issuance of ACR I-CARD


Cancellation of ACR I-CARD

Philippine-Born Registration

Certification for Not the Same Person

ACR I-CARD Certification

BI Clearance Certification

Pending Visa Application Certification

Certified True Copy Certification

Travel Records Certification

Certificate of Non-Registration / Registration

Application for Retention / Re-acquisition of Phil. Citizenship

Inclusion of Dependents under R.A. 9225

Recognition as Filipino Citizen

Affirmation of Recognition as Filipino Citizen

Cancellation of Alien Certificate of Registry (ACR)

Special Study Permit

Provisional Work Permit

Special Work Permit – Commercial

Special Work Permit – Artists & Athletes

Joining Filipino Seaman

Signing Off Filipino Seaman

Joining Foreign Seaman

Repatriating Foreign Seaman

Filipino Supernumerary

Foreign Supernumerary

Penalty on Late Filing / Non-Filing of Foreign Seafarer’s Notice of Arrival (Joining Crew)

Administrative Fine Imposed on a Foreign Crew Member if Not Properly Documented

Penalty for Late Filing / Non-Filing of Notice of Departure

Waiver for Exclusion Ground

Downgrading of Visa

Transfer of Admission Status

Amendment / Correction of Admission

Re-Stamping of Visa RA 7919

Re-Stamping of Visa

Failed to Stamp – Encoded

Failed to Stamp – Not Encoded

Interim Extension (Grace Period)

please feel free to contact us:

English/Tagalog  Inquiries :

WeChat :      dpylanayon

WhatsApp :+63 939 526 6731 

Telegram :@Diadem_Pearl  

EMAIL: dplanayon.royalewonders@gmail.com

VIBER:+63 939 526 6731 / +63 9176523432 





微信 : BGC998  (中文)

WhatsApp :+63-912-0912-222 (中文)

电话:  :+63-912-0912-222(中文)

电报/小飞机:@WOW888  (中文)

温馨提示:本站更新内容速度比较慢 信息发布有一定时效性,所以最新资讯请联系我们获取了解,相关业务请咨询微信BGC998  电报@WOW888

